Mike Judge’s Gift


A few years ago, I asked a favor of someone who knew Mike Judge.  I asked the friend to explain to Mr. Judge that I was trying to help a young man celebrate his birthday after a terrible tragedy. The young man was so enthralled with the television show Silicon Valley that he asked for a trip to drive around Palo Alto to visit some of the tech companies.  Mr. Judge generously provided tickets to a season premier and introduced the young man to some of his favorite actors. #sothankyou #mikejudge


Later as friends, I asked Mike what the best gift was he ever received, from fans or otherwise.  He said, “Aww (in that “Aw Shucks” kind of way that only Mike can) probably neon crayons from my parents.”

I think he was joking, don’t you?


Mike Judge

Writer, director, producer, actor, father


A Book


Refurbished Violin