Refurbished Violin


I played violin all through school in the orchestra but stopped playing regularly once I started college. Years went by before I picked it up again? and played a little (I was probably supposed to return my music folder to SHS, but I still have all the sheet music). I found out as an adult that playing my violin was not a chore, but a joy--almost meditative, a break from life’s responsibilities. I’d pick it up when no one was around and play to my heart’s content. About 10 years ago, I met some people who were working on putting together a bluegrass band and needed a fiddle player. Stan told them I played (though I’d never really played anything like bluegrass, just classical). My instinct was to shy away and decline the invitation. But the real (?)gift was when Stan presented me with a completely refurbished violin (the same one I had  been playing since I was 10 years old) complete with a new case and “fiddle” music. I cried, and then played a happy Irish jig. And, yes, I joined the band.



Mike Judge’s Gift


Vintage Tee’s